Guns and Religion: Catholics, Fire Arms, the Right to Defend Oneself, and the Second Amendment

Over at, there’s a piece boasting the church’s dedication to completely getting rid of guns from the hands of civilians. The Catholic Church’s position on gun control is not easy to find.  . . . The answer is resoundingly clear: Firearms in the hands of civilians should be strictly limited and eventually completely eliminated. But […]

Let’s Learn The Constitution! Part I: The Preamble

So many people in this still-great country don’t know what the Constitution actually says.  Few have ever read it straight through (it’s not that long!), and it often seems that many of those few are in positions of authority to act in the name of the Constitution.  (Note: this is more than just legislatures, judges, […]

Sacramental Marriage, Civil Marriage, Gay Marriage, and the Catholic Church

Mawwidge… I’m told it’s an institute you can’t disparage, though that seems anything but the case these days.  A litany of arguments in favor of allowing for “gay marriage,” in the short-hand parlance, or “homosexual unions,” has been given by hosts of talking heads, celebrities, and every-day folks. It’s a “civil rights” issue, some will say. […]

With All of the Hubris and Chutzpah of Antiochus…

I do not like the president. I’m sure he acts in what he views as the best interests of the most people, but he’s wrong, and he’s dismantling the very basis of our country: the first amendment, by forcing Catholics to violate their consciences in order to be in business. But that’s all old news. […]