The Future of Internet Evangelism

It is commonly cited as fact that arguing on the internet is “dumb,” and “pointless,” and an overall “waste of time.”  As far as generalizations go, this probably smacks of truth to many who have attempted to engage in the activity known as “internet evangelism,” whether the cause they were evangelizing was one of religion or politics or even sports.

Part of the problem is that so much of what goes around as “argumentation” is merely opinion stating (or simply unsupported contradiction).  And when it comes to stating opinion, generally it is hard to sway others to you side because opinions are, by nature, purely subjective.  (Some opinions are much more viral than others, though, so getting people to understand and agree that “Justin Bieber isn’t the be-all end-all of music” isn’t that hard.)

However it is illogical to proceed to argue that all forms of internet evangelism are wastes of time.

Successful Internet Evangelism

Now I am not going to brag of the following brag-able points, but merely offer them as evidence to support a point.  I have in the past engaged in internet evangelism.  I have also been “successful” in this endeavor.  I have had multiple people, including two unrelated fellows from the U.K., credit me with their conversions to the faith.

Again, this isn’t tooting my own proverbial horn, but showing that some forms of Internet Evangelism can and do work.

Charity Is Crucial.

The key is charity, and it’s easy to lose when you’re deep in the heat of an intense debate.  Successful internet evangelism will always bear in mind that one’s interlocutor is a human being with inherent dignity, no matter how wrong we think them to be.

Do Your Homework.

However, a second and equally important key is to make sure that you’re right.  Many a battle has been lost because somebody was foolishly putting forth their own opinion on a matter about which their opinion did not line up with the truth.  We all have various biases, and getting past our knee-jerk assumptions that we’re always in the right is crucially important.

To that end: Read.  Read the Catechism.  Read the Bible.  Read sound Catholic websites, publications, blogs, etc.  Never stop learning.

One On One.

Lastly, always bear this in mind:  Conversion is always a one on one activity.  Sure, you may teach a group of people in RCIA, or at a talk you’re giving, or in an article you publish.

But while those inform, they don’t convict and convert in the way one on one interaction does.

Two On One.

But, of course, it’s never actually one on one.

In the first place, you are but one of many contacts in any person’s life, and your role may not be to “win them over,” but merely to plant the seeds that another will nourish.   At other times, you’ll water the seeds planted by another.

In the second place, it’s not you, or them, or anyone, but the Holy Spirit.  Paul wrote exactly that:  “I planted, Apollos watered, but it is the Holy Spirit who makes it grow.”


If you’re not connected to the vine, you will wither.  Even Paul knew he could be disqualified.

Prayer isn’t just about monologuing at God, but shutting up and listening.  This is hard, but crucially important.  I fail at it often.

Failure doesn’t matter.  Persistence, and seeking to aim at the right goals, those are what matter the most.

You Are The New Evangelism.

The point of this post, scattered though it may be, is to make you aware of the fact that catechisis isn’t just the job of the professionals.  It’s the job of EVERYONE.  That means it’s your job.

And while it’s not the only forum for evangelization, by far, there is certainly room for many more evangelists online.

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