The Westboro Baptists,The Rainbow House, And The Chariot of Orthodoxy

Confessions: I am a Topekan.  It’s a pretty good city, all things considered.  Not the best, by far, but good. I’ve grown up “in the shadow” of the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) all of my life. -They’ve picketed my Church (“Sodomite Fag Priests Burn In Hell,” apparently) -They’ve picketed my High School (“Sodomite School News […]

The Anti-Pornography Renaissance: Non-Theistic Reasons To Go “Fapless”

I grew up in the era of dial-up internet, and I remember many of my friends touting the blessings of high-speed internet.  A few gamed, but ultimately it was all about one thing: how quickly you could download porn – first pictures, and then video.  It’s a temptation most guys face (I’ve talked to priests […]

Let’s Learn The Constitution! Part I: The Preamble

So many people in this still-great country don’t know what the Constitution actually says.  Few have ever read it straight through (it’s not that long!), and it often seems that many of those few are in positions of authority to act in the name of the Constitution.  (Note: this is more than just legislatures, judges, […]

The End of New Years Resolutions

The ball has dropped, and a new year has begun here in the states. 2013 brings with it the promise that all years bring: a chance to start over, to build a new habit, stop an old one, and slowly work on becoming a better person. This tradition is a good one over all (other […]

Fruits, Vegetables, and the Fall of Man…and Bacon.

A good friend posted a link to an answer to the ultimate question: What makes a fruit, and what makes a veggie?  The answer from Wisegeek was: Simply put, a fruit is the ovary of a plant, which means that it may contain seeds, while a vegetable is a plant part, which does not contain […]

Sacramental Marriage, Civil Marriage, Gay Marriage, and the Catholic Church

Mawwidge… I’m told it’s an institute you can’t disparage, though that seems anything but the case these days.  A litany of arguments in favor of allowing for “gay marriage,” in the short-hand parlance, or “homosexual unions,” has been given by hosts of talking heads, celebrities, and every-day folks. It’s a “civil rights” issue, some will say. […]

With All of the Hubris and Chutzpah of Antiochus…

I do not like the president. I’m sure he acts in what he views as the best interests of the most people, but he’s wrong, and he’s dismantling the very basis of our country: the first amendment, by forcing Catholics to violate their consciences in order to be in business. But that’s all old news. […]

The Magicians Twin: C. S. Lewis, Scientism, and the Future

C. S. Lewis passed away 49 years ago yesterday (November 22, 1963).  His death was little noticed here in the states, as it happened to coincide with a startling event: The assassination of John F. Kennedy.  However of the two men, Lewis’s legacy has proved startlingly vital compared to Kennedy’s. The above video is a […]